MCU: 10 Things Red Skull Might've Been Doing Since 1945

1. Just Chilling

Basking in the warmth of a cosmic spa, bathing under the rays of a distant sun, guzzling on the delicious strawberry-flavoured water of a faraway utopian planet or indulging in the delicious chocolate-flavoured fruits of a mysterious extraterrestrial tree. Red Skull may just have stumbled onto a space paradise. If that's the case, the lucky red devil might currently be living a life of luxury in which he can just chill the hell out! "Space and chill", one might say (if one is an idiot). After a busy life on Earth of enslaving people, murdering even more people and generally being so evil that it's exhausting, what more could a skull-faced, megalomaniac super soldier ask for? Cheers, Johann!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.