MCU: 10 Things Red Skull Might've Been Doing Since 1945

2. Making A New Life For Himself In Space

After finding himself in a distant, unknown part of the universe - and without any immediate means of returning to his home planet - maybe the Red Skull simply opted to make the best of a bad situation and start a new life for himself. Of course, this would require him to have landed on a habitable planet - perhaps one already inhabited by other beings - but it certainly could have happened. Imagine, if you will, that he found himself a beautiful red-faced alien wife, who was indifferent to his deformed human face, and they had themselves some adorable red-faced little alien kids. Red Skull might have found that space-family life was all he ever really wanted, and he could be living contently in a fancy space-house, with his homicidal past firmly behind him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.