MCU: 10 Things Red Skull Might've Been Doing Since 1945

5. Dying

Of course, the Tesseract might have actually killed Red Skull - nobody truly knows - but the fact is that he might have died since then, even if it didn't. The flawed Super Soldier Serum he used to enhance his physical attributes - which also deformed his face, of course - may well have given him the longevity to survive (hence the basis for this very article), but he could have encountered all manner of dangerous threats in space and could have been killed off. There's also the obvious fact that Red Skull can't breathe without oxygen. If the Tesseract transported him to a vacuum, with no atmosphere, matter or breathable air, he would have died just moments after his arrival. In fact, the chances of him having survived are actually almost impossibly slim (not that we expect Marvel Studios to acknowledge that fact).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.