MCU: 10 Things Red Skull Might've Been Doing Since 1945

3. Wallowing In Self Pity

Alternatively, instead of being angry, what if poor old Mr. Red Skull has been sitting on his little space rock and having a little space sulk or a little space cry for seventy years? As evil as he might have been, it would almost be enough to make you feel sorry for the Nazi swine. The thought of him being all alone in a distant part of the universe, crying and snivelling - and with snot running out of that massive hole in his deformed red nose - is slightly saddening. Nobody deserves that. If this has indeed been the case, if poor old Mr. Red Skull ever does get the opportunity to return to Earth, all he might want is a hug and an opportunity to redeem himself! A reformed, thankful, born again Red Skull - whatever next!?

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.