MCU: 10 Things That Didn't Go The Way Kevin Feige Wanted

7. Sony's Spider-Verse

Thor Love And Thunder Goats

Marvel Studios finally getting their mitts on everyone's favourite Sony Web-slinger heading into the already stacked Captain America: Civil War was the sort of development that left fans simply not believing their luck. And Kevin Feige and the MCU gang likely felt the same way.

However, Sony's eventual decision to start carving out their own Spider-Verse with the intention of one day bringing Holland's Web-head back into the mix has likely left Feige slightly regretting bringing Peter Parker into his Universe in the first place.

In fact, with Feige being said to have a say in the crafting of the stories being told involving the likes of Venom and Morbius, it came as little surprise to hear that the Marvel Studios President recently reportedly told the inconsistent super-studio to "not to get too ahead of itself in terms of building some larger universe in the vein of the Avengers movies."

Clearly, said advice fell on deaf ears with the jarring and lazy introduction of Michael Keaton's Vulture in Jared Leto's vampire dud again feeling like a shameless way of piggybacking on the overall success of Feige's wonderland and building towards a wider world that next to nobody is interested in.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...