MCU: 10 Things That Didn't Go The Way Kevin Feige Wanted

8. A Not So Incredible Hulk

Thor Love And Thunder Goats
Marvel Studios

Hot on the heels of Tony Stark's eye-catching first steps into a burgeoning MCU, arguably a name even more notable than the one donning the Iron Man suit was handed their invite to the super-party.

However, instead of capturing the imaginations of fans the world over and successfully reimagining Bruce Banner and his hulking green alter-ego, Marvel quickly learned the hard way that this game-changing MCU undertaking wasn't going to be a walk in the park from the off.

Behind-the-scenes troubles when bringing the project into being in the first place, coupled with a hugely disappointing critical reception and performance at the box office led to The Incredible Hulk quickly becoming an entry that Marvel and Feige did their utmost to forget about almost instantly.

The recasting of Mark Ruffalo in the more problematic Edward Norton's titular role only seemed to hammer home Feige's need to put this error behind the studio, too.

That being said, Marvel Studios appear to be slightly softening their stance towards all things green as of late, with Disney+'s She-Hulk looking set to properly reintroduced Tim Roth's Abomination and perhaps a few more elements from that 2008 failure down the road.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...