MCU: 10 Truly Insane Crossovers We Need To See

8. Marvel Breaks The "Fifth Wall"

blade wesley snipes mahershala ali

Deadpool turned breaking the cinematic fourth wall into an art form, dropping madcap truth bombs about comic book movies directly to his audience. The Merc with a Mouth even pushed beyond the fourth wall to the fifth wall when he killed the very actor playing him onscreen, Ryan Reynolds, in a hilarious moment of self-referential immolation in Deadpool 2.

Now that Deadpool has definitively crossed over to the MCU by appearing with MCU sidekick Korg in a reaction video to Reynold's recent film Free Guy, its time other Marvel characters start addressing their respective players' real-world careers.

Is Chris Evans as happy with Cap being retired as Cap is? What does Jeff Goldblum think about Grandmaster's penchant for keeping slaves?

Marvel might want to steer clear of having Black Widow ask what Scarjo thinks of Black Widow's move to streaming, but the potential for tongue-in-cheek nods to real world events can keep the venerable franchise fresh as it moves to Phase V and beyond.

In this post: 
MCU Phase 4
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I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.