MCU: 12 Changes From The Comics That Were Completely Justified

12. Zemo - Captain America: Civil War

Baron Zemo Captain America Civil War
Marvel Studios

In the comics, Baron Heinrich Zemo was introduced as a villain who fought both Captain America and The Howling Commandos and created superweapons for Hitler's army. He was your typical cartoonish villain who wore a pink hood to disguise himself and formed the original Masters Of Evil.

His son took over the mantle - and the same agenda to take on Cap and the Avengers - and the mask and has worked with HYDRA. It is he - Helmut - who appears in Captain America: Civil War, though he was unrecognisable from his comics counterpart in the end.

Despite appearing to be a terrorist supervillain intent on the destruction of the Avengers, he was instead a man torn apart by the collateral damage caused by the super-team. His was a personal and affecting story of vengeance, which perfectly counter-balanced the hero on hero action and it was a vast improvement on what could have been if he'd played a straight adaptation.

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