MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Captain America: The First Avenger

7. It Features The MCU's Most Brutal Kill

Captain America The First Avenger Propeller
Marvel Studios

The perennial PG-13 rating of the MCU's movies ensures things can never get too graphic, but The First Avenger gets away with one especially gnarly kill that remains as shockingly brutal as it was back in 2011.

In the film's climax, Cap and a HYDRA goon are fighting on the wing of a mid-air bomber, and as the pilot pitches the aircraft upwards, the HYDRA thug is sent flying into the bomber's propeller, exploding into a cloud of blood and scarcely-visible body parts.

You can argue that the moment is too fleeting to be truly offensive, but it shockingly doesn't cut away from the blood cloud as you'd expect, and for a film aimed primarily at children, it's surprising the MPAA didn't force them to cut it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.