MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Doctor Strange

8. Strange Gets Pangborn's Medical Files... Isn't That Illegal?

Pangborn Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

Obviously, without learning about Pangborn's miraculous recovery, Doctor Strange would have no idea about the Ancient One and the mystical arts that make it possible for him to walk again despite serious injuries. So he HAS to find out about that apparent miracle in order for the plot to move forward.

But it surely could have been done a little more artfully than simply having Pangborn (and Strange's) physiotherapist illegally sharing medical files with someone who really shouldn't have access to them, surely? Yes, Strange is a doctor himself, but in this situation, he's a patient who isn't able to practice medicine as well as showing very obvious mental health issues.

In other words, there's no way he should have just been given someone's confidential records.


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