MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Iron Man

2. The Post-Credits Is Still Annoying In Hindsight

Avengers Post Credits
Marvel Studios

On reflection, the first ever MCU post-credits scene was problematic. Having Samuel L Jackson appear as Nick Fury was great and the first mention of the Avengers Initiative is also wonderful - the fan-baiting alone at that point was off the scale, but it doesn't really make sense.

Having Fury mention the idea for the Avengers Initiative at this point and then for it not to become a thing until The Avengers just looks like sloppy story-telling. Sure, they brought Tony in for a cameo in The Incredible Hulk to try and tie that to the Initiative, but that was more confusing than anything and then Fury trying to suggest the Initiative was scrapped and Tony was classed as a poor candidate for it was like watching the writers furiously retcon as they went on.

It would have been better to simply have Fury turn up and say his "do you think you're the only superhero" line (clearly referring to Captain Marvel and maybe Hulk and possibly Captain America), without the need to confuse things further down the line with the Avengers mention. It just feels like they wanted a cheap pop from the fanbase.

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Iron Man MCU
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