MCU: 12 Worst Casting Decisions In Marvel Movies

10. Edward Norton – Hulk

Thor Heimdall Idris Elba

It’s no secret in Hollywood Circles that Edward Norton is difficult to work with. His infamous clash with American History X director Tony Kaye resulted in the filmmaker taking out several ads in trade papers eviscerating him and denouncing him a “narcissistic dilettante”.

Similarly, while making Red Dragon Norton reportedly showed up to set with several self-penned and unsolicited pages of script demanding they be filmed. It looks like working with Marvel on The Incredible Hulk was no different.

Although Norton was actually contracted to contribute to the script alongside playing Bruce Banner this time, the end result wasn’t all that great and yet another Norton tantrum ensued when his suggestions weren’t included in the final cut.

Much of the problem with Norton’s casting seems to stem from him wanting to play a serious version of Hulk and Marvel wanting a more fun Hulk in line with the tone of the MCU. It makes for an uneven performance that feels out of place in the wider MCU.

Thankfully though, Norton has since been replaced by Mark Ruffalo who’s a far better fit for Hulk.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.