MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

7. The Flashback Is Incredibly Well Done (But It Comes At A Cost)

The Originals Ant-Man
Marvel Studios

With Ant-Man And The Wasp set to explore the Janet Van Dyne story (and presumably see her rescued from the Quantum Realm), the flashback that establishes the tragedy of her disappearance is handled really well. It feels like a real MCU moment, fitting the "heroic sacrifice" and "greater good" genetics that have run through the entire franchise.

The only problem is that it means Hope Van Dyne suffers as a character, because Hank Pym wants to protect her from damage. As the sequel will no doubt prove, Hope's Wasp would have been a great addition to the first film and fitting her with a "training wheels" protocol was unfortunately quite reductive.

Instead of having anything real to do, she's just sort of there in the background, given an arc that serves Lang more than her and the sequel will no doubt feel a little like "look what you could have won."

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