MCU: 13 Things You Learn Rewatching Ant-Man

6. The Torch Passing Should Have Been More Important

Ant-Man Hank Pym

Given the problem that Marvel will have when their original actors come to the end of their contracts, the fact that Ant-Man offered a solution so seamlessly seems to have been weirdly overlooked.

Ant-Man is essentially a movie about a hero introducing a legacy hero and it absolutely works. Obviously, it would be different if Michael Douglas' Pym had been a hero in a couple of movies himself already, but there's no reason why this couldn't work with Iron Man or Captain America - with us watching the original mentoring a new generation replacement.

And that would solve the issue that Marvel will have when they're basically forced to retire their two most lucrative original MCU solo brands in the next couple of years. Which the shareholders at Disney are going to be REALLY happy about.

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Ant-Man MCU
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