MCU: 15 Huge New Details Marvel Just Revealed At Comic Con

3. The New Look Characters - Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Poster
Marvel Studios

As revealed in the same footage shown at D23, by the time Infinity War comes around, some of the Avengers are going to have undergone some pretty big image changes.

Iron Man is said to have a sleeker suit (again, because he absolutely can't stop tinkering), Hulk has a whole new face, Captain America has a beard and Black Widow is blonde. Also, Groot is going to be adolescent still (don't call him teen, James Gunn doesn't like it).

The other side of the poster confirms that Bucky is back in action too (complete with a full arm), as well as confirming that Spidey wears the upgraded suit with the gold trim details shown at the end of Homecoming. Also, Rhodey is still operating as War Machine, apparently, despite his legs not working like they used to before...

Also, the concept art for Captain Marvel also offered a glimpse of what Danvers will be wearing when she suits up to fight.


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