MCU: 7 Lesser-Known Marvel Moments We'd Love To See

5. Monica Rambeau Becomes Captain Marvel

Hulk Thor Ragnarok

Though the Carol Danvers incarnation of Captain Marvel is now the most famous, prior to her taking up of the mantle, Monica Rambeau was the one using the moniker, being the first female to do so.

In the upcoming film featuring the titular hero, Monica's mother is set to be Carol's air force partner, going by the callsign 'Photon', a name which Rambeau is currently using, making it more than likely that she will use this title, which makes sense with Danvers being the Captain.

But, if Marvel truly wanted to do justice to the mantle, then short of introducing Mar-Vell himself, giving Rambeau a chance to be the Captain on-screen - whether it be in the wake of Danvers' tenure in the role - would be a great direction to head.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!