MCU: 7 Lesser-Known Marvel Moments We'd Love To See

4. Jessica Jones Marries Luke Cage

Hulk Thor Ragnarok

For those who had been following Jessica Jones' journey in the comics, seeing her finally get some well-deserved happiness in the form of her relationship with, and eventual marriage to, Luke Cage was an incredibly gratifying moment.

On-screen, the couple were as enjoyable together, but with Jones' origin in her show displaying her killing Cage's previous partner while being mind-controlled, their relationship has been a lot more complicated.

But, in the world of the MCU, where half the universe can be murdered by the snap of some purple guy's fingers, stranger things would have happened if Jones and Cage were to get back with each other at some point.

Therefore, if their journeys were to be continued on-screen, then seeing them eventually married would be just as satisfying as it was in the comics.

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Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!