MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Ant-Man And The Wasp

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

Ant-Man and the Wasp's final battle isn't exactly nail-biting, but what it lacks in stakes, it makes up for in pure fun.

It's the kind of climax that you can just sit back and enjoy the ridiculousness of it all. It knows not to take itself seriously, and it's all the better for it.

Okay, so there are some stakes involved, as Hank races against the clock to save Janet from the quantum realm, but we kind of already know he'll succeed. It would be a jarring shift of tone if he failed.

Otherwise, though, this climax is so much fun.

The car chase really stands out here. There is the high-speed chase and car crashes that we've seen in so many other movies, but the shrinking/growing element of it adds a uniqueness to it that helps it stand apart from other chase scenes, and adds to the ridiculous fun of it all.

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