MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Doctor Strange

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

Doctor Strange is a very, well, strange film, filled with WTF visuals and trippy action scenes, so it was only expected that its climax would be something more unconventional.

Rather than an grand final fight between the hero and villain, Doctor Strange takes a different route. Instead, Strange defeats the villain, Dormammu, not with fists, but with wit (and some time travel).

"Dormammu, I've come to bargain" has become one of the most memorable quotes in the entire MCU, if only from the constant repetition of the line as he tries to reason with Dormammu and dies. A lot.

By trapping Dormammu in a time loop, though, Strange gains the upper hand, basically blackmailing him into leaving earth.

While it may be anti-climactic to some, and indeed it's not really much of a battle, it works here because of how it subverts what we expect to see in a Marvel movie, especially one where magic is involved. It's kind of brilliant, actually.

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