MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy is actually somewhat anti-climactic, yet surprisingly it works very well.

There is a cool space battle and some fight scenes, but the real climax of the film comes when Peter Quill distracts Ronan with a dance-off so as to acquire the power stone from him.

It may not be a fight, but what makes it work unlike in other MCU movies is the bond between the Guardians. Minus Groot, who died shielding the other Guardians as Ronan's ship crashed, the remaining Guardians physically unite to withhold the power of the power stone.

And as Ronan stands bewildered at how they're doing this, Quill delivers this badass line: "You said it yourself, bitch. We're the guardians of the galaxy."

Ronan is a forgettable villain who's defeated rather pathetically, sure, but otherwise this sequence is great for showing the strength of the Guardians as a unit. They're not jusy a team, they're a family.

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