MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Ant-Man

Avengers Endgame Ending

While the sequel's final battle opted to go bigger, the first Ant-Man was quite literally smaller, and just a bit more entertaining.

Rather than being a grand final battle with tons of collateral damage like in other Marvel films, Ant-Man confines the action to the oddest of places: a child's bedroom.

The stakes aren't very high, but there's just something so fascinating about Ant-Man and Yellowjacket battling on top of a freaking Thomas the Tank Engine, blowing up toy cars, and unleashing a giant ant and Thomas upon an unsuspecting neighborhood.

Scott shrinking so small to defeat Yellowjacket was tense as well, because even though we knew he had to survive (like Marvel would ever kill off the main hero in their first movie), it was distressing wondering how he'd get back since we were led to believe that you can't come back after shrinking that small.

Ant-Man isn't exactly a phenomenal movie, but the climax is certainly something else.

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