MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

If the first Guardians was a little anti-climactic, the sequel makes up for it with full balls-on-the-wall insanity.

While it was hardly surprising that Ego was the villain, as there was plenty of reason to be suspicious about him, the reveal that he was the one who killed Quill's mom by putting a tumor in her head was shocking, and sets up quite the conflict between Quill and his father.

What follows is a visually stunning, action-packed, and emotional hour that gets downright insane as Quill embraces his celestial powers to fight his tyrannical father while the other guardians try to escape the planet and fight off unwanted visitors. Where else will you see a superhero use their powers to turn themselves into a giant Pac-Man?

And yet after Ego's defeat in that emotionally-draining battle, us viewers are thrown another curveball as Yondu sacrifices himself to save Peter's life. James Gunn really likes to hit us in the feels.

Some criticize this finale for being overly self-indulgent - which it is - but it's so glorious to behold that it's tough to really care.

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