MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

21. Captain Marvel

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

How is it possible to make a space battle so boring?

Well, Captain Marvel found a way, and the reason the climax of the film is so boring is because you never feel like the hero is in any danger. There are no stakes, because nothing shows that Carol can even be defeated.

Captain Marvel is way, way overpowered, and she easily takes out her enemies and a bunch of missiles. Also Ronan, who launches the missiles, is completely pointless. They tease that he'll return to foil Captain Marvel, but we already know his fate in Guardians of the Galaxy, so why would they tease anything?

Carol's last stand against Yon-Rogg is anti-climactic. She takes him out with one blast, and that's the end of it.

It doesn't help that Captain Marvel herself is a boring, emotionless protagonist (ironic, given that we're supposed to believe her powers are controlled by her emotions), and you don't care enough about her to root for her anyway.

You'll be hard-pressed to remember anything about this climax, except for maybe Goose the cat and those tentacles that come out of her mouth. That's at least something you can't forget.

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