MCU: Every Final Battle Ranked From Worst To Best

20. Thor

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

The final battle in Thor isn't really that bad, as the special effects here are quite wonderful, but it ranks so low because it's hardly a fight at all.

Remember how long the climax was? Probably not, because you likely don't remember it much at all, but it was about three minutes. Three very underwhelming minutes.

Thor and Loki punch each other up a bit, Thor immobilizes Loki by sitting Mjölnir on him, and he destroys the rainbow bridge...and that's it. That's the entire climax, and it's about as unexciting as it sounds.

There was some potential emotion when Loki let go of his staff and fell into the void of space, but since we know he survives, there's no emotional punch.

And honestly, who was devastated when Thor couldn't return to Jane after destroying the bridge? They have no chemistry whatsoever, so who really got emotional over this?

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