MCU: Every Hero Vs Hero Fight Ranked Worst To Best

15. Hawkeye Vs Black Widow (The Avengers)

Spider Man No Way Home Doctor Strange Tom Holland
Marvel Studios

Tony Stark said it best – it took the Avengers a little time to get any real traction going. That’s a nice, polite way of saying in the beginning the team did little but fight each other, with this one in particular being just the first of several on this list from the initial coming together of the team.

For a large chunk of the movie, from when Loki first came to Earth to pretty much the beginning of the third act, Clint Barton was fighting against the Avengers. He had been corrupted by the power of the Mind Stone within Loki’s scepter, and was completely at the mercy of the God of Mischief.

When Loki had the quinjet attacked, Barton was a key to the plan, and this brought him face to face with Natasha, his closest friend and ally. They had fought many times training together, and no one knew anyone better than these two.

They fought, and Natasha ultimately prevailed, knocking Clint free of Loki’s control by way of cognitive recalibration… she hit him really hard in the head. Like, really hard.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.