MCU: Every Infinity Saga Villain RANKED

11. Avengers: Endgame - Thanos

British MCU Villains
Marvel Studios

The Thanos our heroes square off against in Avengers: Endgame is Thanos, but it's not THEIR Thanos.

Given that the one who caused The Snap in Infinity War is beheaded within the first twenty minutes of Endgame, this concluding Thanos is from an alternate timeline and therefore not the Mad Titan we came to know and love in Infinity War.

In this version, Thanos is demoted to the status of an army leader and not nearly as complicated as the Infinity War counterpart.

While he is still a force to be reckoned with and beats nearly every Avenger who dares challenge him on the battle-field, the almost two-hour gap between his first "death" and this new one coming forward in time from the past seems to deflate and blunt the fine edge we acquired from him in Infinity War.

Maybe if we watch Infinity War and Endgame in a double-feature (who's got the time, right?) the emotional gravitas would stick more. But in this case, the Thanos in Endgame doesn't live up to a previous incantation.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!