MCU Fantastic Four: 10 Lessons Disney Need To Learn From Fant4stic

7. Interlocking Character Arcs

Fantastic Four
20th Century Studios

If there is anything that Disney can take away from Pixar's Incredibles is that all the members have an impact on the story. Citing that they have their own instigation and therefore growth.

If we see the characters evolve together, the family theme will pronounce itself, which was amiss from 2015's Fantastic Four.

In the film, Johnny Storm begrudgingly assisted in the lab which didn't create tension in his character. By the end he was the same person who is now accustom to the team.

The same could be said with Ben Grimm who was Reed Richard's quiet pal whom joined the lads on their science adventures, and his then transformation into The Thing didn't get appropriately explored.

To stand alongside characters in the MCU's narrative, where Iron-Man was able to change from a non caring guns dealer to a man who sacrificed himself and saved the universe, Fantastic Four's members must have arcs that play off each other.

This will introduce them as main stays, especially with the first Avengers of the MCU now leaving the responsibility to new capable heroes.


Just some Irish lad that appears and disappears.