MCU: Iron Man's 10 Greatest Moments

1. I Am Iron Man... Again (Avengers: Endgame)

Iron Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

Tony Stark’s finest moment in the MCU was also his last, and in true Tony style he went out with a quip.

After swiping the stones from Thanos at the last second, Tony replies to the Titan’s ‘I am inevitable’ with a callback to number 10 on this list, telling him ‘I am Iron man’ before a snap of his own.

Unfortunately for him (and for us), this is all too much, and the effort kills him. Still, he managed to take down Thanos once and for all in the process, saving the universe from the Mad Titan.

Endgame wasn’t finished twisting the knife with us just yet though, with Peter arriving on the scene to try and revive Tony, telling him ‘we won’ before realising what’s actually happened. Pepper then approaches too, tearing up as she sees her love has gone.

With a final note of sadness, Tony’s funeral features the ‘proof that Tony Stark has a heart’ arc reactor, and a cameo from Iron Man 3’s Harley, who can consider himself unlucky not to make Tony’s top ten.

Iron Man was a fundamental part of the MCU, and it won’t quite be the same without him, but it was good while it lasted.

In this post: 
Iron Man
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)