MCU: Iron Man's 10 Greatest Moments

2. Mr. Stark, I Don’t Want To Go (Avengers: Infinity War)

Iron Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War was absolutely heart crushing, and no line summed it up better than Peter Parker’s desperate last words as he clung onto Tony. Though you could argue this isn’t technically an Iron Man moment, it only has the emotional weight because of the fantastic relationship the pair had built up previously.

This is the moment it really sinks in for Tony. We have Quill asking ‘did we just lose’ and Drax looking to Quill for guidance, but without a doubt Spidey getting dusted hit Tony (and most of the audience) the hardest.

The worst part is that aside from Doctor Strange (who had foreseen the future), his Spidey sense meant that he was the first to realise what was happening. His dusting was much more drawn out (and for Tony, much more painful) than everyone else’s.

Tony had always kept Peter at arms length, even if we all knew that he actually had a lot of love and respect for the kid. Seeing him hold on tight but unable to do anything to save him really brought it home that this time, Thanos had won.

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Iron Man
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)