MCU: Iron Man's 10 Greatest Moments

4. Fighting Bucky (Captain America: Civil War)

Iron Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

The MCU is no stranger to huge, sprawling battles, but sometimes the most intimate of fight scenes are the best. At the end of Civil War, Iron Man fights the Winter Soldier, only to have Captain America join in and side with Bucky, confirming that the Avengers as we knew them are no more.

It comes just after Tony finds out that Bucky had been used by HYDRA to kill Tony’s parents, with Zemo’s plan to destroy the Avengers (or rather set them up to destroy themselves) complete.

For all the sprawling motives and deep themes the MCU has sometimes served up, this was just a raw fist fight between three of the franchise’s most cinematic fighters.

Captain America is forced two choose between two of his brothers in arms, and even though we all knew he’d pick Bucky, the ‘He’s my friend, Tony’ ‘So was I’ exchange still cut deep.

Iron Man usually flies through the battlefield offering some cinematic shots and taking his foes out with energy beams, missiles or other gadgets. Seeing him trading blows in a more old fashioned way definitely took us closer to the action.

Of course, there was one more notable time when he just duked it out...

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Iron Man
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