MCU: Iron Man's 10 Greatest Moments

3. Hulkbuster (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Iron Man Infinity War
Marvel Studios

While Avengers: Age Of Ultron isn’t the most beloved of the Avengers movies (or even the wider MCU movies in general), its best moment has Iron Man front and centre, with a scene that will ensure the movie will always be remembered.

Tony always plans ahead - with his engineering if not his life choices. That’s why it makes perfect sense that after fighting alongside the Hulk in Avengers, he’d prepare a Hulkbuster suit for if the lean, green smashing machine ever went rogue.

Naturally, he then has cause to use it. While the fight is nowhere near as crisply choreographed as the fight with Bucky and Cap, this one was definitely more visceral and included more of Iron Man’s favoured suit powered battle style.

From the pneumatic fists, the little quips and the classic inside the helmet shot, this was Iron Man in his element. With the back up limbs and arms adapting to how they were required, there was a level of creativity as yet unseen in the MCU too.

The suit is even eventually repurposed for Banner himself to use in Infinity War, so he can be useful in battle while he’s unable to Hulk out.

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Iron Man
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