MCU Phase 3: 10 Huge Surprises That Could Occur

2. Spider-Man Might Appear

Amidst talk of discussion between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures regarding the possible appearance of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, huge excitement was felt amongst fans of both franchises and indeed comic book fans in general. However, talks seemed to stall and hope was apparently lost regarding the Webbed Wonder turning up alongside the likes of Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America - but don't rule it out yet. Phase 3 is going to be huge and Phase 4 will need to be phenomenal in order to top it, so what better way to get fans excited for the fourth stage of the franchise than by introducing Spidey at the end of the third? Marvel Studios will undoubtedly persist in their pursuit of the eternally popular character and there's certainly a possibility that, by the time Phase 3 comes to an end, Spider-Man will at least have made a cameo with a view to a more prominent appearance going forward.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.