MCU Phase 3: 10 Legitimate Concerns Fans Have

9. Still No Black Widow Movie

In a similar manner to fans being concerned about the lack of a Hulk sequel, there has also been concern expressed about the fact that Black Widow is yet to get a single solo outing and isn't getting one any time soon. While she and Hawkeye are the supporting characters of the Avengers, there is enough to suggest that Black Widow's past is interesting enough - going by both the comic books and what everyone knows of her in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - to warrant a movie and to say that a solo movie would actually be a very good watch. Of course, with Captain Marvel coming in Phase 3, Marvel Studios might be focused on ensuring that a female-led movie will work before putting Scarlett Johansson's character in the spotlight, but the fact that she won't have had her own movie by the end of Phase 3 is still disappointing.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.