MCU Phase 4: 10 Massive Stories Marvel Could Adapt Next

2. House Of M

House Of M Scarlet Witch

Ever since the day she was introduced to the MCU, Scarlet Witch has been painted as a wildcard and a potential threat to the stability of the Avengers. She's still something of an unknown quantity who struggles with her powers and who has been shown to be emotionally unstable. Given that she's now in a romantic relationship with Vision - who might well die in either of the Infinity Saga movies thanks to having the Mind Stone in his forehead - there's potential to see her unravel even further.

That sort of breakdown would be an intriguing way for the MCU to reimagine the seminal House Of M storyline from the comics, that saw Wanda change reality after a breakdown and the rising threat from her allies who sought to control her for her own good.

And what better way would there be to introduce difference to Phase 4 than to have Witch change reality entirely after Thanos' defeat and have a couple of "woke" character unravelling the mystery leading back to her? That's definitely a compelling idea.


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