MCU Phase 4: 10 Massive Stories Marvel Could Adapt Next

5. The Ultimates

New Ultimates

With the DCEU already confirmed to be looking at multiverse stories (with Flashpoint as well as the Joker origin story changing up the timeline of the "main" movies), it's about time Marvel started making the same considerations.

In the comics, alternate planets and versions of established characters have been used as a means to freshen things up and bring in new dramatic tension. And with the MCU already having explored the Astral and Quantum Realms in Ant-Man and Doctor Strange, the foundation is already there for an expansion into alternate dimensions.

It would be a huge thing for Phase 4 to begin with a portal opening and heroes coming face to face with different versions of themselves, propelled to come to this reality because of some multiverse threatening catastrophe. And it would be a hell of a way for Marvel to deal with the end of some of their stars' contracts. If they can simply be replaced by other actors, you get to keep the character brand alive, and provided they cast well, it would make for a smart transition.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.