MCU Phase 4: 10 Massive Stories Marvel Could Adapt Next

4. World War Hulk

World War Hulk
Marvel Comics

We've been primed to expect a new trilogy of stories around the Hulk starting with Thor: Ragnarok and leading through to Avengers 4, which means something big is coming for the big guy. It won't just be a matter of him being able to talk either - it should centre around the fact that Hulk and Banner are in more pointed conflict as well as what happens when he returns to Earth.

Even if Civil War's ramifications burn away with Thanos' arrival, the Hulk will still be seen as a threat to Earth in some circles and will be faced with a possible reunion with General Thaddeus Ross, who has an axe to grind for him. Within that context, it would make a lot of sense for Hulk's story to take another twist and have him taken under Thanos' control and used as a weapon against his allies.

That could then be used to fill in the gaps of the Planet Hulk story that is partly adapted in Thor: Ragnarok, with Infinity War or its sequel establishing that the Avengers (or even the newly formed Illuminati) have to deal with Hulk once more. And that could easily transition into his vengeful rampage in the vein of World War Hulk, flipping the dynamics of the MCU entirely for a shorter Phase 4 story.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.