MCU Phase 4: 10 Reasons Secret Wars Is A Genius Idea For Next Avengers Movie

7. It Could Bring A Supervillain Civil War

MCU Secret Wars
DC Comics

With Doom and Thanos' climactic fight in the 2015 version of Secret Wars being one of the most spectacular moments of the entire comic, a very real potential arises in a film adaption: that of some badass fights between villains.

Not only would this be visually awesome, but it'd also be something relatively rare, as superhero films seldom feature supervillains fighting each other.

The only downside to this is that, with the events of Endgame, a full adaption of the comic may not be feasibly possible - because there's a very good chance Thanos will die within the film. But with some alternate universe antics, this is a problem that could be easily solved.

More importantly, the removal of one villain still leaves a roster full to bursting of villains who'd make for absolutely epic, and absolutely unusual fights, if and when they turn on one another.


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