MCU Phase 4: 10 Signs It Could Be A Crushing Disappointment

9. Spider-Man's Uncertain Future

Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

A third Spider-Man movie from Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures is indeed in the works, and set to be released next summer. Beyond that, Tom Holland's web-slinger is set to swing into at least one more MCU adventure, but his future is still somewhat uncertain.

Disney and Sony were backed into a corner and essentially forced to make a deal after the backlash to the news that Spidey was set to leave the MCU, so they could now use this next movie as a way of wrapping up his time there in a way that's less upsetting to fans.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Venom were huge box office hits, and the wall-crawler has been redeemed to a point where his next movie is guaranteed to be a hit no matter who is in charge. With that in mind, there's only so long they will be willing to give a share of the profits to Disney, and Phase 4 looks set to be a stressful time for Spidey fans.

On the plus side, at least it will be Marvel Studios dealing with Far From Home's cliffhanger!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.