MCU Phase 4: 10 Things You Need To Know About Namor

7. He Played A Key Part In Avengers Vs. X-Men

Namor X Men 3
Marvel Comics

The Infinity Saga is going to be tough to beat, and Marvel have likely planned their next few moves down to the last detail. We all thought the shot of all six heroes in New York couldn’t be beaten, but then Endgame gave us Cap wielding Mjolnir and the dusted heroes entering the battlefield through the portals.

They’ve raised the stakes at every turn, and while there is room to grow (Galactus, for example), they may well pivot in a different direction. Hulk’s gamma radiation infused Snap is one way to introduce the X-Men, now that Marvel finally has the rights to them, which gives room for a storyline along the lines of the lauded Civil War.

Avengers Vs X-Men is an arc which certainly has critics, but it sold insanely well, has an evocative title and could usher in the MCU's next major saga.

Namor, playing for the X-Men, has a key role in this, essentially playing the caged beast they let loose on the Avengers when necessary. You’d think if the MCU did go this way, they’d need him aboard.

Then again, they just finished the Infinity Saga with no Adam Warlock, so anything’s possible.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)