MCU Phase 4: 5 Comic Book Storylines Marvel Must Avoid

3. The Clone Saga

secret invasion skrull
Marvel Comics

With the bookies seeming to be liking the odds of Iron Man and Captain America not making it out of Avengers 4, the MCU will be looking for two new figureheads for their universe. One to lead the Avengers and provide a face for the in-universe team like Captain Marvel is shaping up to be, and one to become the new face of the MCU in the same way Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is fast becoming.

With his three appearances in the MCU, Peter Parker has proven himself every bit the plucky, loveable genius who has resonated with mainstream audiences as he did 50+ years ago on the pages of Amazing Fantasy #15. With Homecoming proving that the MCU has found success in wholly original Spider-Man stories (and with the upcoming Far From Home seeming to be an original story also), we can just hope that the creative team doesn’t decide to make their first adaptation a story that almost destroyed Spider-Man for good.

A comic far more famous for the things it did wrong rather than for what it did right, The Clone Saga was a confusing story that even writers at the time have admitted “ended in a fiasco”.

Needless to say, stay away from this one, Marvel Studios.


Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy