MCU Phase 4: Which Characters Will Return After Avengers: Endgame?

4. Valkyrie

Valkyrie Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

Status: Alive

All hail the new King of Asgard. After standing in for the absentee, abs-free Thor in Endgame in New Asgard, Valkyrie - who presumably must have found her way back to Thor with the other survivors during the five year timejump - the end of the movie sees Valkyrie being given the throne permanently.

You wouldn't have thought she'd be all that keen, but there you go. At least she's now even more powerful and totally justifies more appearances in future MCU movies.

Next Up: ???

Well, let's hope that we get either a Seige event movie that potentially returns Thor to Earth to join the fight. But let it be Valkyrie's movie predominantly.

And hopefully, Marvel actually pulls the trigger on the Female Avengers movie that Tessa Thompson pitched. Because that really sounds like something and if they can market it well on the back of Captain Marvel's success, we could be in for another big winner.

3. Pepper Potts (And Morgan)

Avengers Infinity War Pepper Potts
Marvel Studios

Status: Alive (Probably Done)

Having watched her beloved die to save the universe, Pepper Potts will never be the same again. But she has Morgan with her and they will now have a life of safety thanks to Tony.

There's no way she'll pull on that Rescue armour again though, not when Tony's whole arc was about them both wanting him to give up being Iron Man and him never being quite able to. Expect Rescue - as cool as she was - to stay in the garage now.

Next Up: Nothing

She's done - she has to be. To have her return at all (other than MAYBE a supporting role in a Spider-Man movie) would be a betrayal to her and Tony's arc.

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