MCU Phase 5: Every Single Character Confirmed (So Far)

20. Nebula (Karen Gillan) - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3

Avengers Endgame Nebula
Marvel Studios

Even more so than Loki, Nebula is the most persistent character in the MCU, because she was initially supposed to die in her first appearance. Since then she's appeared in another three movies and has blossomed as a character.

Now that she's seen the questions of her backstory answered and Thanos vanquished, Nebula is at an interesting crossroads, as we'll likely see her exploring what it means to be Nebula without all of that anger and trauma defining her. Whether she's able to move on or not remains to be seen.

Could a future as a Ravager captain suit her more than being a Guardian? Either way, it does feel like her story is a little over, so this could be the end of her journey.

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MCU Phase 5
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