MCU: Predicting 10 Fox/Marvel Characters Disney Will Use First

2. Deadpool

Deadpool Thumbnail

Deadpool is coming, just probably not to the MCU.

Think about it for a minute: Disney are a company invested in profit. They know, through their acquisitions of Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars and now Fox that established brands are the key to maximising profitability, which is precisely why they've spent the combined riches of several mid-sized countries on acquiring those other companies. That's why there's no way they're going to bin pretty much the only part of Fox's Marvel universe that is still alive and kicking.

Bringing a character like Deadpool to the established MCU and retaining an R-Rating is not so much a challenge as something Disney probably just won't entertain at all. And in a way, that's what makes Deadpool even more likely to be one of the first characters Marvel press ahead with. Without having to knit him to anything else - other than meta-references like the Fox Deadpool movies pulled off - makes him an easier prospect.

Whether they allow Ryan Reynolds to push the envelope as much as Fox did with Deadpool 2 remains to be seen, but Marvel and Disney are in the money-making business and right now, Deadpool and Reynolds are money.

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