MCU: Predicting 25 Movies Marvel Will Make After Phase 3
To Infinity, but then beyond it.

A whole new world of possibilities has just been opened with the introduction of Doctor Strange and the cosmic arm of the MCU, but it would still be a pretty major curve-ball for them to change the entire approach to the MCU on the back of that alone.
There's a model that works - built on close relationships with the central narrative and lots of sequels - that isn't going anywhere soon. It's just more likely that they will add new properties now with an even more adventurous imagination as well as doubling down on what works.
As Kevin Feige has already said, there are infinite possibilities in the Marvel comics universe for future adaptations and it's unlikely he won't follow that up by actually delivering on his claims. And that will mean good news for Marvel movie fans looking forward to what comes next.
Here are the biggest potential announcements for Marvels'a Phase 4 and beyond...
25. Iron Man 4

The Film
A much-talked about, much-wanted Iron Man fourquel, hopefully tying up the Ten Rings storyline and introducing the REAL Mandarin. If they really want to go weirder, they could introduce Fin Fang Foom as a nod to the open multiverse.
Any Evidence?
Well, the Marvelite universe went mad for that image of John Favreau and Robert Downey Jr with other Marvel heads teasing an upcoming project, and Iron Man 4 talk has been going on for considerably longer than that.
Sadly, RDJ has been a little reluctant to talk about it (flat-out ruling it out at one point), but then lots of people expected him to have been gone from the MCU before now. Money talks.
Any Groundwork?
Well the Ten Rings are still operational, as hinted in Ant-Man and in the All Hail The King one-shot that revealed there IS a real Mandarin, so that could very easily be wrapped up. It's not like his personal arc ending has to end his overall arc, after all.
And exploring that particular avenue could mean a snark-tastic team-up of Iron Man and Ant-Man too.