MCU: Ranking Every Upcoming Project By Anticipation

15. Luke Cage

captain america civil war
Marvel Comics

Back in 2013, Marvel announced their partnership with Netflix to bring the characters of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist to life, each in their own series that would pave the way for an ultimate team-up series in The Defenders. Earlier this year, the first of these projects, Daredevil, arrived and kicked everyone's asses; a much-loved, critically praised success that only left fans more excited for what's coming next in the Netflix realm.

Though little has been revealed about Cage's own series outside of the additional casting of Alfre Woodard and rumours about its plot and villains, actor Mike Colter is set to turn up as the character later this year in Jessica Jones in advance of his own show in 2016. If his show is treated with the same love and respect for the character by its creative team as those behind Daredevil - which of course it will be - then fans the world over can rejoice that Cage will finally get the larger exposure he deserves.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!