MCU: The Worst Thing EVERY Avenger Has Done

5. Hawkeye - The Post-Snap Murder Rampage

The Winter Soldier

Clint Barton found himself playing a supporting role throughout much of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that didn't stop from becoming one of the franchise's better developed characters. While his family almost always remained off-screen, it was clear that they - and his friendship with Natasha - were the driving force behind his heroics.

Whenever they were taken away from him thanks to Thanos' universe-destroying snap, he became more of an Avenger - in the literal sense - than any of his heroic colleagues, taking up the Ronin persona from the comics as he became a violent vigilante that murdered criminals unworthy of surviving the snap.

A dark perversion of everything Hawkeye once stood for, Clint had gone so far down the path of darkness that it was only Natasha who could bring him back to the light - evidence of the emotional scars he bore from losing his entire family in one fell swoop.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.