MCU: The Worst Thing EVERY Avenger Has Done

2. Captain America - Kissing Sharon Carter

The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers is perhaps the most upstanding, righteous and selfless hero to perhaps ever make his presence felt on the big screen. A true hero of the people, the MCU's Captain America has bent over backwards, taken on corrupt government agencies and even drove himself into an an ice slumber (sacrificing a life of happiness in the process) to protect the people he was fighting for, so you're more than likely to struggle if you look for some dirt on Cap.

And then there's this. A moment between two people sharing a little chemistry that would have been okay (at best) if the woman he locked lips with wasn't the niece of his true love Peggy Carter.

Given how strongly Steve felt about Peggy, it's highly unlikely that he would have kissed Sharon so soon after her aunt's funeral after barely interacting with her in two films. It felt forced, uncharacteristic and it's even more awkward in hindsight now that Steve returned to the past and got that long, happy life with Peggy after all.

Peggy Carter was always the woman for Steve and this was nothing more than an obligatory blip that felt totally out of place and out of character.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.