MCU: The Worst Thing EVERY Avenger Has Done

1. Iron Man - Creating Ultron

The Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

Tony Stark's hubris had led to him making a ton of rash decisions throughout his tenure as Iron Man (and likely before it, too). Though some were in the heat of the moment, others were long planned-out actions made out of fear or desperation. And while it would be easy to blame him for either, it's also pretty easy to understand why he made some of these decisions and, more than anything, they add a ton of depth to what could have been wrongly perceived as a shallow character to those unfamiliar with him.

Tony's fears and anxiety over another potential attack like the Manhattan showdown of 2012 results in him and Banner teaming up, using the Mind Stone to create an AI that was supposed to prevent alien threats from attacking. However, Ultron quickly becomes self-aware and mistakes humanity as the planet's primary threat, concluding that it must eradicate the human race.

Tony's nightmares got the better of him to such an extent that he ended up creating one for the rest of the world, and even though Iron Man ultimately redeemed himself by helping the Avengers take Ultron down - and later by sacrificing himself for the human race - this is certainly the biggest blip on his otherwise heroic record.


Can you think of any other questionable things The Avengers did? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.