Mel Gibson: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Luther Voz - Machete Kills (2013)

With his comeback in real danger of falling flat, Mel Gibson joined Robert Rodriguez's exploitation-inspired sequel, stepping into Robert De Niro's shoes in the 'fading A-lister playing the bad guy' role as maniacal arms dealer Luther Voz. Seeing the actor taking on his first major villainous role in a ludicrous B-movie had plenty of potential, but Gibson fails to come across as anything other than bored. If you can accept Charlie Sheen playing the President of the United States in this movie, then its feasible to accept Mel Gibson as a businessman/inventor that can see the future. Whereas Sheen actually seemed to be enjoying himself in the role, Gibson spews his character's exposition with a weariness that borders on disinterest. The actor fails to make much of an impression with his limited screentime, which smacks of a huge missed opportunity given his well-proven capabilities of playing deranged madmen.

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