Mel Gibson: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Dr. Gibbon - The Singing Detective (2003)

Air America co-stars Robert Downey Jr. and Mel Gibson were reunited on this big-screen adaptation of the BBC miniseries, with Gibson also serving as producer. While the movie itself was a disjointed affair, Downey Jr. gave a great performance in the lead role. However, Gibson was nothing but distracting in his part as Dr. Gibbon. Donning a bald cap, thick glasses and a pile of makeup in order to play the good-hearted doctor, it is simply impossible to get over the fact that he looks completely ridiculous, despite his commendable efforts in playing against type. Whereas the best makeup-heavy performances see the actors disappear into the role entirely, this just looks like Mel Gibson in a terrible disguise, phoning in his part.

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